“Are you an omnivore?” Fellow students of mine growing up would ask each other questions like this. I have never witnessed anyone call out the irony of identifying and collectively agreeing on lions being carnivores, while human beings questioning each other’s designed diet. The truth is that we have objectified animals so much that we no longer associate with them, even though we are animals ourselves. When one’s looks or behavior gets compared to those of an animal, it is seen so negatively, which feeds into the idea that animals are lesser than humans. Whenever I would’ve informed someone of the fact that we are frugivores, they would always argue that we are herbivores or omnivores. Just because we are capable of consuming meat, it does not mean any of it belongs in our bodies. Do we see lions that have been diagnosed with heart disease? Their bodies are designed to handle all of the meat, therefore their health is not jeopardized in eating it.
Our ancestors were eating lots of plants, like grains and legumes, then eventually times got tougher and meat became a main staple for many. The early consumption of meat had more to do with the fact that they did not have the luxury of fully educating themselves on the human diet and/or having no other choice but to eat meat. But it is now 2020. The way our teeth move even indicates that we are natural meat eaters! We have all of the technology and studies to prove that people should not be eating animal products, yet the meat industry at this point is still worth nearly a trillion dollars. All of this money wasted on fueling this cruel, inhumane industry should have been used on health care or other more wise, helpful (on the global scale) organizations and such. The time for change is now.
Our ancestors were eating lots of plants, like grains and legumes, then eventually times got tougher and meat became a main staple for many. The early consumption of meat had more to do with the fact that they did not have the luxury of fully educating themselves on the human diet and/or having no other choice but to eat meat. But it is now 2020. The way our teeth move even indicates that we are natural meat eaters! We have all of the technology and studies to prove that people should not be eating animal products, yet the meat industry at this point is still worth nearly a trillion dollars. All of this money wasted on fueling this cruel, inhumane industry should have been used on health care or other more wise, helpful (on the global scale) organizations and such. The time for change is now.
Article of the day: https://food.ndtv.com/health/eating-more-fruits-and-vegetables-lead-to-a-happier-life-1430091

Image source: Let’s Eat Healthy (www.healthyeating.org)
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